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15 Years Younger After Doing This For Only 5 Months…

Alex Fayn is a 45-year-old, father of three, and a busy CEO who just went through a quantified and data-backed transformation that floored the both of us. 

The best part is that it only took him five months to make these changes—and because he took lab tests, we have proof that taking steps towards improving your health adds back years to your life, and life to those years. 

Some of his highlights from this five-month health journey include: 

  • Feeling 15 years younger than he did five months ago 
  • Adding 4 actual years to his lifespan (according to the Telomere predicted age test) 
  • Slowing down his aging from 1.2x per year down to 0.9x per year (that means he ages slower biologically per year than he does chronologically—something that adds up as he continues on his health journey) 
  • Having more energy—and happiness—today than he’s felt in the past several years (this directly helps him in his business) 
  • Lost 40 pounds (and counting!) and reversed his prediabetes
  • No longer relies on alcohol to relax and feel good.  

I wanted to give you the highlights from his health journey before diving into his story, which may be more impressive than his results in bullet point style.

How a Health Scare changed Alex’s Life

As I’ve stated, Alex is 45 years old. He’s a father of three. And he’s a busy CEO.

As you can imagine, running a business and leading a family leaves Alex with not much free time. By his own account, he wasn’t taking good care of himself.

His diet was hectic. His eating schedule was in disarray. His stress levels were high and his health was deteriorating. Before we started working together, he had been diagnosed with prediabetes and he was obese.

But then, Alex had a health scare that forever changed his life:

A few months before Alex booked his initial consultation with me, he went to his doctor for a routine checkup, and was diagnosed with liposarcoma, a rare type of cancer that develops in fatty tissue. He was shocked—and knew instantly that his health needed to take priority, especially as a father and business owner.

There is some connective tissue between obesity and liposarcoma, but the relationship is not entirely clear. Obesity on its own isn’t considered a direct risk factor for liposarcoma, but there are some reasons that suggest a potential risk.

For example, liposarcoma arises from fat cells. Obesity also often means chronic inflammation, which can heighten (and progress) cancer development. Inflammatory processes within fat cells may also contribute to the development or growth of liposarcoma tumors. Genetic factors may also play a role. Lifestyle factors such as a poor diet, sedentary lifestyle, hormonal imbalances and even negative thinking may also contribute to its development and growth.

Alex’s tumor was removed surgically but afterwards, he wanted to do his best to prevent it from happening again—and he spared no expense in addressing all the possible risk factors to help him best prevent it.

That’s when he booked his initial consultation with me, and the rest is history…

The Exact Steps Alex Took To Transform His Health

Alex booked a consultation, and told me he was interested in my Concierge Program, the most comprehensive health package I offer designed for someone who wants to intently focus on their health and longevity.

He was interested in the Concierge Program for a few reasons:

  1. As a business owner, he finds data appealing and compelling, which attracted him to the various lab tests he’d take through this program, including before and after lab tests to show him exactly how much his health has improved over 5-6 months.
  2. Since he had prediabetes, he also was eager to use the Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM) device (If you’d like to read more about using a CGM device, read this article.)
  3. He also understood that his health is an investment—no different than investing in a stock or in marketing to grow his business.

The Concierge Program is an expensive investment, including weekly 1:1 meetings, advanced tests (which I do not make money on), planning, goal setting, meal planning, mindset coaching, and accountability.

So, what tests are included in the Concierge Program?

Every test I offer is included in the Concierge Program, but which tests I give a certain client depends on them and their unique situation.

The tests I gave to Alex included:

  1. A stool microbiome test: To understand his overall gut and digestive health (one of the most important markers to your overall health)
  2. A Nutrigenomics test: The integrative study of the interaction of nutrition and genes, especially about the prevention or treatment of disease. (If you’d like to read more about Nutrigenomics, check out this article and this article.)
  3. A food sensitivities test: To help him understand which foods fueled his body and which foods hurt his body.
  4. TruDiagnostic’s TruAge Complete: An at-home epigenetic test tells you how old you really are from a biological standpoint, on a cellular level. TruAge Complete gives you the most comprehensive and in-depth look at 75+ biomarkers of aging. And it breaks down your age-related risk of developing various diseases (and even death).

I want to focus on the last test here because Alex has given me the okay to share his lab results with you, so you can see how truly transformative this approach to health can be. After running the various tests on him, I realized he had the most to gain with the TruAge Complete test.

Before we move onto his incredible results, I want to mention something that may appear obvious, but bears mentioning:

Alex did not simply complete his lab tests, do nothing else for five months, and then retest himself. There was a ton of work on his end including:

  • He (mostly) followed my dietary recommendations
  • He followed an intermittent fasting eating schedule, thanks to his CGM, which made him realize that late night eating was the worst thing for his blood sugar as it would stay high all night long. Plus, this data helped him take action—he wasn’t following my advice to finish his last meal early until he could see the impact on his body with the CGM data. Then, everything “clicked.”
  • He cut sugar, flour, alcohol, and refined carbs from his diet
  • He started exercising consistently
  • He started practicing polar plunges (a great way to lower your stress levels)
  • And he even introduced some occasional 36-48 hour fasts

And he did many other “health hacks” that we discussed in our weekly 1:1 meetings. This probably sounds obvious, but I don’t want you to think that simply doing the lab tests (and nothing else to actually improve your health) is the key.

The key is in the marriage between the data you receive from the tests and the work you put in, based on the data, to improve your health.

There are three specific reports I want to focus on in Alex’s case because they’re the best examples to show you how radically his health has improved in the last five months.

The first one is the DunedinPace Report, which shows you his speed of aging.

The second one is an Inflammation Report, showing how his inflammatory markers—perhaps the root cause of all disease—decreased.

Then, the last one is the Telomere Length Report, which uncovers insights into his predicted age.

Before we dive into it, let me end this section with a direct quote from Alex to show you how simple better health can be:

“I was just going to give you my permission to show these results to everybody and I’m happy, excited, stoked. These are amazing results and I want to be an example for other people. Just eat right, exercise, don’t eat sugar, listen to Kristina (and I don’t always listen to Kristina actually… Sometimes I do, but most of the time I just feel what my body needs right now and that’s all.) And I feel the change. I feel literally, probably 15 years younger, like I’m back in my 30s. I have so much energy and happiness and everything in general [has improved].” — Alex

Best part?

He gave me this quote just five months into this journey—and his health will improve to an even more significant degree over the next six months, and especially over the next six years.

Report #1: How Alex Slowed His Aging from 1.2x per year to 0.9x per year (The DunedinPACE Report)

The DunedinPace Report shows you how many biological years you age at the precise moment. But it does this in the most actionable way because it separates what you’re doing now from markers you’ve accumulated from your past or inherited from your ancestry.

The general rule of thumb for this report is you want your rate of aging to be below 1. The average person ages at a ratio of 1:1 in terms of biological age to chronological age. Being below 1 means you’re aging slower biologically than you are chronologically.

Since aging is the #1 risk factor for chronic disease, I cannot overstate the value of this report. But traditional ways to measure age (counting the years since your birth) aren’t always the most accurate. This is why some 70 year olds feel 50, while others feel 90.

Measuring your biological age, instead of just your chronological age, is like having a speedometer for your age.

The slower you age, according to this report, the longer you’ll live. That’s because it’s associated with chronic disease morbidity and mortality. In fact, researchers found that within 7 years from testing those with a faster pace of aging are at a 56% increased risk of death and a
54% increased risk for diagnosis of a chronic disease.

And as I stated, Alex’s DunedinPACE report fell from 1.2x per year to 0.9x per year:

DunedInPACE report from November 2023
From November of 2023, before Alex started making the various health changes explained in this article.
DunedInPACE report from April 2024
From April of 2024, after five months of the health changes Alex made.

Not only is this an incredible transformation in just five months, but by sticking with it, Alex may even be able to lower his speed of aging even more. (The slowest rate of aging reported by a DunedinPACE report is 0.6x per year.)

Report #2: How Alex Decreased Inflammation in His Body (Inflammation Report)

As the field of health, nutrition, and longevity advances, it’s becoming more and more evident that inflammation is at the root of all disease, and may even be the primary cause in many cases. The second point requires more research, but inflammation is intimately linked with a broad range of non-infectious diseases, and perhaps it’s involved in all of them.

This exemplifies why Inflammation is a crucial marker for your longevity. It’s particularly important in cognitive health because it has been linked to beginning stages of dementia and neurodegenerative diseases.

Now, not all inflammation is bad. In fact, acute inflammation is an important part of the healing process. The trouble with inflammation is when it becomes prolonged and chronic. When chronic and elevated levels of inflammation happen in your body, they can mark the development of age-related diseases like cancer, atherosclerosis, and Alzheimer’s.

TruAge’s Inflammation report looks at two distinct markers for measuring the amount of elevated and chronic inflammation: DNAm CRP & IL-6.

The first, CRP, is a special protein your liver produces in response to acute inflammation. Elevated CRP levels are associated with low initial memory and verbal fluency scores. The second, IL-6, is a proinflammatory cytokine that stimulates various acute-phase inflammatory proteins, like CRP. It’s a widely used marker of inflammation that increases with age and is associated with cognitive decline. IL-6 measures have associations with sex, BMI, social
deprivation, alcohol intake, and smoking status. And men tend to have a higher IL-6, on average, than women.

Now let’s see Alex’s CRP levels, which decreased by 24%, and his IL-6 levels, which decreased by 15%, in only five months!

Inflammation report from November 2023
In November of 2023, Alex had a higher CRP level than 89.61% of his peers of the same calendar age and sex. His IL-6 levels were 81.51% higher than his peers of the same calendar age and sex.
Inflammation report from April 2024
In April of 2024, Alex had a higher CRP level than 65.49%—that’s a reduction of 24%—of his peers of the same calendar age and sex. His IL-6 levels were 60.61% higher than his peers of the same calendar age and sex, a decrease by 15%.

Moving on to the final report…

Report #3: How Alex Added Four Years to His Expected Life (Telomere Length Report)

So, what are telomeres and why is their length important for longevity?

Telomeres are designed to prevent unpredictable changes in the DNA strand, keeping the genome stable. Think of them like the plastic tips on shoelaces: Their primary function is to prevent the fraying of chromosomes, keeping the “lace” intact. As a cell ages, its telomere length becomes shorter, just like the plastic tip of shoelaces wears down (and even breaks) over time. When telomere length becomes too short, a cell cannot divide, which causes the cell to become inactive, slowly accumulating damage that it can’t repair, or it dies.

As for why telomere length is important…

Shorter telomeres are associated with both age and disease, including cancers, cardiovascular disease, and age-related disorders.

Shorter telomere length and low telomerase activity are associated with a handful of chronic, preventable diseases including…

  • Hypertension
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Insulin resistance
    Type 2 diabetes
  • Depression
  • Osteoporosis
  • And obesity

Plus, short telomeres have been implicated in genomic instability and oncogenesis. Older people with shorter telomeres have three times increased risk to die from heart diseases, and eight times increased risk to die from infection diseases.

That said, the rate of telomere shortening and telomere length is critical to your health and pace of aging.

So, how did Alex stack up here in his before and after reports?

Telomere Length Report from November 2023
In November of 2023, Alex’s Average Telomere Length was 6.81 kilobases (Kb), and his estimated telomere age was 69.75.
Telomere Length Report from April 2024
In April of 2024, Alex’s Average Telomere Length was 6.89 kilobases (Kb), and his estimated telomere age was 65.27—a reduction in his estimated telomere age by 4.48 years in just five months!

Ready To Radically Improve Your Health & Longevity in Months, Not Years, Too?

Whenever I talk about longevity, I’m reminded of a quote from The Godfather Part II from Hyman Roth:

“Good health is the most important thing. More than success, more than money, more than power.”

Nothing else matters when you don’t have good health, and I won’t hide the fact that my Concierge Program is an expensive investment. But it could just be the most important investment you ever make in your health, especially if, like Alex, you’re a data-minded person.

That’s what Alex realized, and that’s what you may realize too.

The TruAge Complete Report itself (where the DunedinPACE, Inflammation, and Telomere Length Reports originate from) costs $500 on their own. The CGM that also played an instrumental role in helping things “click” in Alex’s brain is another hefty investment.

But as Alex proves, it’s not only possible to make wild improvements in your health and longevity, but through my Concierge Program, you can make these improvements much faster than you think.

If you’re interested in my Concierge Program, or would like to set up initial consultation to learn the others way I can help you improve your health and longevity, you can see all the services I offer and schedule your initial consultation with me below: 

>> Book Your Initial Consultation Here << 

99% of Americans Don’t Get Enough Omega-3s—And It’s As Deadly As Smoking

99% of Americans Don’t Get Enough Omega-3s—And It’s As Deadly As Smoking

Dr. Rhonda Patrick is one of my favorite people in the broad online health community. Not only does she know her stuff, but you can tell how much she cares about health issues. Well, Thomas DeLauer recently sat down with her on his podcast for a discussion about omega-3s that will, and this is a promise, blow your mind. 

If you’d like to watch the entire hour-long interview yourself, you can watch it below:

Or if you’d rather read along to the key points Dr. Rhonda Patrick made in her interview, keep reading. 

First, let’s discuss why omega-3s are so much more important than most people believe. 

Omega-3s Matter As Much To Your Life Expectancy Than Smoking

One of the things Dr. Patrick mentioned in her interview that blew even me away was how she related omega-3s to smoking. Everyone knows smoking is bad. It increases your chance of cardiovascular disease, cancer, and severely lowers your life expectancy. 

But here are some “fun facts” I bet you didn’t know: 

  1. Having an omega-3 deficiency or insufficiency is as deadly to your life expectancy as smoking.
  2. What’s even weirder, is when lifelong smokers who also prioritize omega-3s (through their diet or supplementation), they have the same life expectancy as non-smokers. 

Not only does a lack of omega-3s shorten your life expectancy, but getting enough omega-3s can also increase the life expectancy of smokers! 

Why is this the case? 

Why don’t more people talk about omega-3s if they’re this important for your health? 

Well, hold on. I’m not done with emphasizing the importance of omega-3s. 

There are six preventable causes of early death, including smoking and hypertension, among others. Not getting enough omega-3s through diet or supplementation is another preventable cause of early death. And so is eating trans fat. 

Which one do you think leads to more early deaths, on average, per year? Omega-3s or trans fats? 

According to Dr. Patrick’s research… 

  • 84,000 deaths per year come from low omega-3s
  • And 82,000 deaths per year from trans fats 

That’s 2,000 more deaths each year, on average, than trans fats, which everyone knows is bad, like smoking. And yet, you might’ve heard about fish oil before, but the importance of omega-3s for longevity specifically is probably new to you—as it was for Dr. Rhonda Patrick and me. 

So what do omega-3s do to your body that can be the difference in living a shorter or longer life?

Why Are Omega-3s the Best Longevity “Hack” You Can Do?

Let’s go back to our lifelong smoker example from above. The fact that simply taking omega-3s can almost reverse the consequences of being a lifelong smoker are shocking. 

So, why does this happen? 

Because they’re invaluable to your cardiovascular health. 

Let me explain… 

More people associate smoking with lung cancer than they do smoking with cardiovascular disease. But lung cancer isn’t as common with smokers as cardiovascular disease is. In fact, it takes much much longer for smoking to cause enough damage to your lungs that they develop cancer than it does your cardiovascular health. Many lifelong smokers never got lung cancer because they died from heart disease, heart attacks, and strokes long before. 

That’s where omega-3s come in: 

They have the most benefit to your overall health in your cardiovascular system. That’s why getting enough omega-3s can extend even lifelong smokers’ life expectancy. 

But how much longer can you expect to live by getting enough omega-3 fatty acids?

How Taking Omega-3s can Increase your Life Expectancy by Five Years

There are many reasons that explain why 99% of Americans have deficient or insufficient omega-3 counts: 

We don’t eat much fish compared to other countries because many of us are worried about mercury in fish sources. We also don’t take omega-3 supplements for the same reason. Even though fish oil supplements enjoyed spurts of popularity, the research wasn’t there to make the case of how important omega-3s are. 

But simply taking omega-3s can increase your life expectancy by five years! 

Here’s how we know: 

A research study looked at Americans’ average omega-3 levels and compared them to the Japanese average. 

The results were shocking: 

In America, the average person has an omega-3 index of around 4-5%. In Japan, the omega-3 index is around 10-11%. The average life expectancy in Japan is 5 years longer than in America—maybe solely because of their omega-3 index. 

So, what’s an omega-3 index and what should you aim for? 

An omega-3 index is a simple lab test that is a biomarker of long-term omega-3 status. It’s not as much a snapshot as it is a timelapse. 

An unhealthy level of omega-3s on the omega-3 index is anything under 4%. While healthy levels float at about 8%. 

That’s why Japanese people live longer, on average, than Americans. 

While we’re mostly discussing omega-3s in the broad sense of the term (meaning all omega-3s), there is one distinction I want to make…

Why Omega-3s from Fish are Superior to Omega-3s from Plants

There are three main types of omega-3s, and while each is important, two are more important than the third, especially in the United States where we don’t eat as much fish as other cultures. 

The three types of omega-3s include: 

  1. ALA – which comes from plants and nuts
  2. EPA – which comes from fish and seafood
  3. DHA – which comes from fish and seafood

Of the three, ALA is the least important partly because Americans get adequate amounts from their diets already. For our discussion, EPA and DHA are the two to keep in mind. 


Well, one five-year study showed that EPA by itself resulted in a 25% decrease in death from heart attack and heart disease! 25% is already a massive percentage, but the best part about this study is that the purified EPA was administered in the least bioavailable form. 

That means bioavailable EPA may cause even bigger declines. 

Another study that looked at EPA and DHA found that the two omega-3 fatty acids  significantly lower cardiovascular risk and resulted in a 28% decrease in death from heart disease and heart attacks. 

DHA itself, while not as impressive for your cardiovascular health as EPA, is still invaluable to your health. When you’re deficient in DHA, it screws up neurotransmission of serotonin and dopamine. Your cells become “stiffer” and deprive you of these feel-good chemicals. It also interferes with glucose transports in your brain. 

Despite the mercury concern that keeps people from fish,, that a developing fetus (which is most sensitive to mercury) benefit even more from omega-3s because omega-3s protect the fetus from mercury contamination—even if a fish product or supplement has mercury in it! 

But, like the title of this article suggests, the bad news is that 99% of Americans don’t get enough omega-3. Keep reading to see how we can fix this:

How Do I Find My Omega-3 Levels & How Quickly Can I Improve My Omega-3 Index?

The good news is that even if you have low omega-3 index scores (under 4%), not only is it possible to fix it, you’ll be able to do so within about three months. 

First, how can you tell what your Omega-3 levels are? 

The best way to know whether or not you need to eat more fish (or supplement with omega-3s) is by taking an omega-3 index. Remember, the omega-3 index is a biomarker of long-term omega-3 status. 

How do you take an omega-3 index? 

I’m glad you asked! 

I recently partnered with Rupa Health, an online lab shop that gives my clients an easy way to purchase functional lab tests, including the omega-3 index (as well as several other lab tests). 

If you’d like to order the Omega-3 Index Complete from Rupa Health, use the link below: 

>> Order the Omega-3 Index Complete lab test here << 

Now, after taking your test, you might wonder how you can improve your omega-3 index. 

There are a couple of ways to accomplish this: 

Through your diet (aka eating more fish, especially smaller fish like sardines and mackerel and cod) or supplementation (omega-3 supplements, EPA & DHA supplements, or things like cod liver oil). There’s a lot of ways to improve your omega-3 index, find which one works for you, your wellness regimen, and your budget. 

If you’re interested in going down the supplementation route, let me introduce you to another online service I use to help my clients find the healthiest supplements around. 

I also use an online dispensary called Fullscript, which gives you access to a sea of supplements for all sorts of different causes. For example, doing a quick search for “omega-3s” on Fullscript yielded 469 results: ranging from EPA/DHA liquids to omega-3 capsules to cod liver oil and even to omega-3s for your pets. 

There are a lot of options there for you. And when you create a Fullscript account through my practitioner link, you can save 20% on your first order. 

You can create your Fullscript account below: 

>> Create your Fullscript account and unlock 20% off your first order << 

I recommend analyzing your results before ordering any supplements. That way you can be certain that a given supplement can reverse whatever omega-3 you’re low in, whether it’s DHA, EPA, or both. 

Remember, it’ll take about three months to go from 4% to 8%. After implementing your omega-3s plan, make sure to give yourself three months to retest yourself again with an omega-3 index. 

If you need further assistance interpreting your lab test results, creating a nutrition plan to fix your low omega-3s, or picking the best supplement based on your results , you can book a consultation with me below: 

>> Book your consultation with me here << 

I’ll leave you with this… 

There’s a 99% chance your omega-3s are either deficient or insufficient—and leaving this unchecked shortens your life expectancy as much as smoking cigarettes. The good news is creating a plan to restore your omega-3 levels is a cakewalk compared to quitting smoking. 

Best part? 

Not only can the omega-3 index test unlock exact insights into your long-term omega-3 levels, but supplemental options are within your reach that can turn low omega-3 levels to healthy ones with ease. 

You got this!